- "What would you do with a drunken sailor?" (Sung to Travis by me"), "what would YOU do with a drunken sailor?" (Travis back to me), "Feed him pancakes! I learned that's a good hangover food from the Gilmore Girls." (Sadly this was my response)
- "Hey Erin, have your crazy pills worn off yet?" (My niece Tiara when seeing me again hours after I tried to tell her about a strange dream I'd had the previous night)
- (Said while looking at my hands) "I need a pedicure!"
- "Wooo! Spinny-winny!" (pretty much each time I stood up)
- Mom said that if she left me alone at night I'd decide I was a rooster and climb on top of the roof. My response: "I'd go and crow at Travis's window, he deserves it!"
- There are plenty of others that I for some reason that I cannot remember. :) However I have been composing more music, songs about how yummy cucumbers with salt are, there's a cat looking in the back door at me, etc.
It's been kinda a rough week, I've been very frustrated with how much pain I'm still in and therefore how much of these hated pain pills I still need to take. My doctor's appointment went well though I did get a lecture about taking my pills because my body can't heal properly when it's in too much pain. I'm not sure that I'm gonna be better as quickly as I was hoping but I'm still holding out hope. My PTSD had been getting better but it somewhat came back as well this week. Plus I realized that I was too busy with worrying about the surgery to celebrate Taylor Lautner's 17th birthday that was on the 11th-the day of my surgery (So happy birthday my dear little jail bait). I did have one day when I got to have some retail therapy, buying some things I needed to buy, and then a couple other little things myself, the retail therapy was unfortunately online, but better than nothing!
Nikki did take a day off work to come and hang with me, it was so nice to see her. It's definitely been hard not seeing her every day, we've lived together for so long that we're so close, it's strange to be apart for any length of time. She's so great, it was nice to see her and just be with her for a bit, I think I really needed that.
Today has been much better; I've stayed awake and coherent a lot longer today than I have since the surgery and I even got to play a game I got for the Wii called Endless Ocean - it was really fun! I do have a bunch of fun pictures from the last week and a half (most of them fuzzy since taken from my phone) that I plan on posting soon. Soon I'll get the pain under control, get physical therapy to fit me in and convince my doctor I can go back to work before the end of March! (I'm not waiting that long, I'll go nuts and I can't do that to my work!)
Love to all.
(I figured out how to do hyperlinks in case you hadn't noticed! Weeee)